Pupil Premium
Our current Pupil Premium Strategy Statement can be found below.
At The FitzHerbert C of E Primary, we aim to identify children very early into their time at school who need extra support so that they can make the very best progress during their time here. To ensure this support continues we are currently using our funding to help us to offer high-quality intervention programmes and for every child to receive a personalised curriculum with more 'teacher time' to ensure that it is of the very highest quality.
Where appropriate, we also use the funding to ensure that no child ever misses out on an experience because of financial constraints.
Due to the small numbers of pupils who receive the pupil premium, we are not able to publish end of key stage results as it may be possible to identify individuals and we are limited in the detail we can publish within the strategy statement for the same reason.
If you think your child may be entitled to Free School Meals, you can check on the Government website. Or you can click here to download a form that will help school to check that for you. This is extremely important to the school as we receive an extra £1480 to support children who are entitled to Free School Meals even if they don’t ever actually have the meal. This also applies to infants even though they now all get a free meal as part of the new government scheme. We can provide paper copies of this (all in the strictest confidence) for anyone who thinks they may qualify and once you’ve filled it in, we can do the rest.